Technical Difficulty


Technical difficulties are glitches we experience and eventually fix. Whether digital, electrical, or even even in the body/ mind/ spirit capacity- things can go awry anytime. Within just 26 days of entry into 2021 the Nation’s Capitol was attacked, our library website crashed, Covid-19 reached our staff and closed the library, and my hand decided to stop working for what we’ll call a Hot Minute (comparable to my anticipated lifespan). Yet, the the earth continued to rotate in the vast expanse of our galaxy. The natural rhythm of life inevitably returns to a pace we can tolerate with less anxiety, but perhaps more awareness and courage.

While most of our minds are still reeling from that Doomsday of January 6, we can also appreciate the effect of law and order to withhold the election results and provide a new administration to help steer this country into a positive realm. The challenge is grand, but each of us holds a duty to put our hands to use to build the peaceful society that each of us deserves. I am looking to the newly elected officials as the Makers of America and checking how I can fit in as a new color to this rainbow of hope.

Click Here to Register

The website difficulty that reared its ugly head last week became part of a multi-fold situation where all program registration forms were not available on the webpages, then Covid-19 hit our staff and the library closed for the week, so classes needed to be postponed. While our staff numbers return to a required quantity to provide the stellar services we offer, the library is closed, but Curbside pick up is still an option. With every technical difficulty discovered, there is a key to resolving the problem. Luckily we have a graphic guru who fixed our website and now registration for programs can continue with ease. Maker Mondays is rescheduled for February 1. Register today to make a spectacular swivel card with Wynn Yarrow on Zoom.

Kvetching over Cancellations

My wrapped hand (seen above) is part of a tendon problem that many Makers and typists experience. With the proper care, rest, and rehabilitation, I should be able to stitch, cut, sew, and create to my heart’s content in a few more weeks. Until then, the new craft club, Kitsch and Kvetch is canceled in February. We would have learned how to crochet granny squares together, but that plan is on the back burner until March. In place of the canceled class, stay tuned to the Southeast Steuben County Library’s YouTube channel where the latest Cricut tutorial will drop on February 2. If you missed the first Kitsch and Kvetch, this video will be a rerun to catch up on what you missed! We meet again on March 2 to create Photo Coasters using ceramic tiles, printed photographs, and lots of glue.

Repair that Technical Difficulty

My first Sew Wednesday was a personal lesson in patience and acceptance. I actually began this blog post the night of January 13, while waiting for large files to upload, download, and do-si-do. This age of online experience is a constant learning curve, but a valuable challenge. While I juggled recording devices, focusing on close-up footage, editing the video, and relying on country WiFi to work like broadband, time ticked away. This little ditty finally published late in the evening, but the final product also needed to be adjusted. Luckily, the lessons of patience and acceptance rose to the occasion. A few snips and new stitches of thread resolved my quandary of poor execution. The Travel Pincushion tutorial is a great project for beginner and advanced sewists alike. Holler atcha girl if you give it a whirl.

Pizza from the Valley

January is National Hobby Month! For those intent in adding a new hobby to their year,  the options are limitless. If you like cooking, our old Urban Corning friend, Myles Lasco lives on the west coast, but longs for the flavors of the Twin Tiers. Follow along with Myles as he interprets his own copy cat recipes of some regional favorites. If you’ve ever tasted a Mangialardo’s Pizza and had a craving to mimic it at home, follow this tutorial for an entertaining approach to this famous pie. You can even use the dough to make some hoagie rolls.

Perhaps glass blowing is your aspiration; Corning is the Crystal City after all. If you are a Netflix subscriber, watch and cheer on local female glassblower, Cat Burns. She proves her skills on screen and will teach you the same. Sign up as a student for her classes at The Corning Museum of Glass. 

Viewing Art Exhibitions

If viewing more art exhibitions is on your hobby list, take a down Market Street from the library to the galleries. Our community partners, The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes have work on exhibit by local freelance artist, Julie Waltz-Stalker. If your location limits you from strolling the streets of Corning, visit this virtual gallery. Photo credit: Chris Walters Photography.

V O L U N T E E R !

A hobby like volunteering can be cherished in your community. I want to send a big SHOUT OUT to our long-time volunteer extraordinaire, Mary Ann Thomas ! ❤ Personal service and dedication like hers is admirable and infectious. Read more about this big check she shared with our library in the FHFCU Blog. It looks like our new neighbors and friends are helping make positive change happen in our small community. Much gratitude, Mary Ann and First Heritage!

Bernie’s Mittens!

As the passing of time proves, there is a moment for everything. I truly appreciated this weekend’s lighthearted moment of Bernie’s Mittens Memes. After so many glitches this month, it was a joy to find this Easter Egg in the archives of ReCouture, a fashion show to benefit The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes. Upcylcled trash is transformed into wearable art on the runway, but Bernie’s upcycled mittens have Stolen the Show.

That’s a wrap for this stationary moment. I’ll check you on the flip side!